Saturday August 31, 2019 is International Overdose Awareness Day! LHOHH is planning our event and it is expected to be another awesome time where we remember and honor those who have died from an overdose. We will be at Southside Park again this year! Please come join us!
Our 2018 event was a success! LHOHH, HRS, GRASP along with folks from Sacramento County brought love, awareness, honor, and food in remembrance of those who lives were cut short due to an overdose. It was a heartfelt day of love and support. Please know that your loved ones were remembered, honored and cherished! Planning for next year's event is underway. Thank you to those who sent photos of your loved one's for us to share.
Friday August 31, 2018 is International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD). This is the day set aside to remember and pay tribute those who have died as the result of an overdose. Overdose death is preventable! So much needs to happen to end overdose deaths, end the stigma associated overdose deaths and STOP the judgement! Here in Sacramento LHOHH has teamed up with GRASP (Grief Recovery After a Substance Passing) and HRS (Harm Reduction Services, Sacramento) to bring awareness, education, NARCAN training, support, food, and more. Our event will take place at Southside Park located at 6th and T streets in Sacramento. Please join us for speakers, healing circle, sharing, and a meal. We will start at 3PM and end at 7PM. At 7PM members of FedUP will lead a walk to the State Capitol for a candle light vigil and reading of names to honor many who have lost the struggle.
